Hi Giuseppe, I hope your son is around to read this to you. We wanted to thank you again for your warm and gracious hospitality during our visit and for the special gift of the olive oil. Since we are not permitted to carry liquids on the airplane from Italy to the U.S., we finally wrapped it well, like you said, and put it in Michael's luggage and it came home without a leak. (I didn't worry as much since it was in Michael's suitcase, not mine). We had some as soon as we unpacked and made dinner, and wonderful memories of your beautiful home appeared with every taste. We will be very sad when we have used it all. I wrote a review for you on the B&B website, I am not sure there were enough words to express how we enjoyed our stay with you. Perhaps one day we will be able to return. All our best, Michael and Sally Greenspan
mercoledì, maggio 13, 2009
Informazioni personali
- Nome: Giuseppe
- Località: Piazza Armerina, EN, Italy
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